Welcome to the ELLIS Workshop on

Semantic, Symbolic and Interpretable Machine Learning 

June 28, 2024
Scandic Grand Marina Congress Centre - Helsinki  - Finnland
Attendance by invitation only.


This workshop, co-organized by ELISE, concerns machine learning (ML) approaches that operate at the human abstraction level, where the world is described by entities, concepts, and their mutual relationships. Among other topics, we cover multi-relational learning, learning with (temporal) knowledge graphs, interpretable and revisable AI via symbolic representations, and extracting logical programs from data. Methods include, e.g., embedding approaches, graph neural networks, scene graph analysis, neuro-symbolic programming, and inductive logic programming. We also expect fruitful interactions with closely related programs covering, e.g., NLP, vision, and geometric deep learning.


The workshop is hosted at the Scandic Grand Marina Congress Centrein downtown Helsinki, overlooking Helsinki harbour.


Friday June 28

8:30 - 9:00 Walk in and Coffee at Baltica Room at Scandic Grand Marina Congress Centre
9:00 - 10:30 1st Morning Session
Opening Remarks by Prof. Volker Tresp and the Organizing Commitee
Lightning Talk by every participant
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break
10:55 - 11:55 2nd Morning Session
Learning representations for relational learning and literature-based discovery by Prof. Nada Lavrač (Jožef Stefan Institute, University of Nova Gorica)(Zoom Link)
11:55 - 12:55 Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:15 Afternoon Session
A Unified Approach to Learning over Time and Logic Reasoning (online) by Prof. Marco Gori (University of Siena) (Zoom Link)
Closing Remarks
14:15 - 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 - 15:30 Plenary Session at Fennia II Room
*The workshop runs concurrently with the ELISE Wrap Up Conference & ELLIS Community Event. Various events are also scheduled for Thursday, June 27th. Please feel free to participate if your schedule permits. You can find the agenda here.

Organizing Commitee

Shuo Chen LMU Munich, MCML
Ruotong Liao LMU Munich, MCML
Yunpu Ma LMU Munich, MCML
Antonia Wüst TU Darmstadt
Wolfgang Stammer TU Darmstadt
Kristian Kersting TU Darmstadt
Volker Tresp LMU Munich, MCML